Dan Cohen
Physical Therapy & Conditioning
+972- 523 - 676 - 845

Muscle tear rehab
"Dan is charming. Sensitive, professional and leads you hand by hand in the right direction"
Bat-chen, teacher and runner

Problem solved- without reducing milage
"Right after the first session I went out for a run and trained normally that same week without reducing milage or intensity. The injury was getting better every day"
Gilad- marathoner and commercial plane pilot

I reached my goals
"Dan is a professional, knowledgeable physical therapist. I came in with an injured foot and shoulder. I felt better every visit and at the end of the rehab I reached the goals I set myself"
Chen, powerlifter
Active Physical Therapy
At Dan Cohen's clinic we are committed to the rehabilitation process of every patient. We offer personal, one on one sessions using secure web meeting platforms. After the first diagnosis session, a detailed rehabilitation program is planned. In addition to every treatment session. the patient is informed about load management, specific self treatments and rehab exercises, and self management tools.
Using advanced reporting and analysis tools, the therapist tracks and monitors the patient daily- in between sessions. Our rehab method allows us to shorten return to sport times, post-op rehab and general pain reduction session to the full extent.
We offer solutions for muscoluskeletal injuries and pain, neck and spine pain, shoulder knees ankles elbows and wrists pain reduction and rehab, sports injuries rehab and more.

Additional Services
Athlete Load Monitoring, Customized training plans and more
As an Ironman triathlete, Dan is well aware of the ups and downs and training. Load has to be exact for fitness to be expressed without any side effects such as injury. Dan uses advanced load monitoring tools to track, direct and execute customized training plans for amateur and competitive athletes around the world.
Home based ergonomic evaluation and consultation
Covid caught us by surprise. But we can adapt. Working from home doesn't have to be painful. Ergonomic consultations consist of work station analysis and evaluation, after which specific tailored alterations are utilized to help the client perform his best from home, pain free.

About me
Dan Cohen- sports physical therapist, fitness instructor and conditioing expert. Dan advocated active rehabilitation process as seen in elite sports rehab centers. He takes the active path and implements it in all rehab settings- acheiving excellent results with a wide variety of patients and clientele. Dan sees athletes, adults and teenagers.
Dan also lectures in professional post graduate physical therapy courses and teaches fitness professionals.
Dan is an Ironman triathlete and knows well the athletes' state of mind.